Siberian King
A Neva Masquerade
Adoption Agency
A Neva Masquerade
Adoption Agency
If you are looking for a true Siberian Neva Masquerade, you have come to the right place. SiberianKing.Org is your premier site for Neva Masquerade (Siberian) cats. We are Arizona based cat fanciers and breeders of color point, Neva Masquerade's ONLY. We are unique in that we transported the parents of our kittens directly from Russia, on our laps. We offer adoption of our kittens/cats, as they are available, or we will travel to Russia to adopt that "Perfect Cat" or Breeding Pair for you, if you would like to start your own business (this is the cheapest way to go if you want your own TRUE Siberian buissness), since we also have a residence in Novosibirsk, Russia. We raise our cats under foot in our home and they are Only caged during Show Competition. Our "Color Points" all have Big Blue Eyes and a wonderful disposition. Siberian cats are non-allergenic and are the perfect pet for anyone with allergies and love cats! We are the ONLY breader in America that traveled to Russia for our kittens Parents, and have true Neva Nasquerade kittens and adult cats. If you are looking for TRUE Neva Masquerades, this is the place to be. Both parents of our litters have Championship status (CFA), and come from"World Championship" bloodlines (WCF, FELIS). We are experiencing a high demand for our kittens/adults as evidenced by the amount of phone calls. We have no Cats available at the time but an application will be sent as soon as you e-mail us (or call) and indicate interest, If you qualify for adoption we will place you on a waiting list, and you will be given preference to adopt the kitten of your choice when available. If you change your mind about Neva Adoption after a deposit is made, we will return 50% of your deposit. If our expert withdraws your approval (for any reason), 100% of your deposit will be returned. write us at the address below to answer all your questions. All our babies are raised under foot in our home and not susceptible to deseases many cats get from outdoors. We guarantee that all our babies are free from desease and that they have no genetic deseases! The following letters attest to the Neva Masquerades ultra low Fel d 1 levels which trigger allergic reactions in some people. Neva Masquerades have even lower levels than normal Siberians.
Letters From Some Past Adoption
From Simon and Olga
Hello Scott my wife told me to write you a review, well here it is
We are very happy with our new furry little friend Leopold. Kitten arrived in good health, all vaccinations where made, toilet trained. He is very lovable gentle pet. This is not your ordinary cat he is like a little lion. Specifically I would like to mention that this breed is hypo allergenic. I am allergic to every cat out there but not to my Neva Masquerade. It’s worth the wait and worth the money spent. Thank You Scott, Elena.
From Jeff and Caron
Hello Scott and Elena, we are happy to tell you that our son Ryan paid Nardo his first visit today and had no allergic reaction. That is a miracle given his history of being highly allergic to most animals, especially cats, birds and horses. We also took Nardo to the Vet for his booster shot last Thursday, and the Dr. Said "He is Perfect!" And of course we agreed....oh, and he's a healthy 10.2 lbs...How are you both doing? I enjoyed the video you posted of the babies...Nardo is just like them, so playful, and sweet...Caron and Jeff
The following letter is from Caron and Jeff who recently adopted their second Neva Masquerade from us after realizing all the love this breed brings to a home. Now Lucca (biological brother of Nardo, but different litter) is with Nardo, once again.
Dear Scott and Elena,
Life is wonderful with our precious Nardo and now Lucca. They keep us entertained with their joy and playfulness. Since Lucca arrived only 2 weeks ago, these baby boys are inseparable and we can't imagine a better pair of Neva Masquerades. We feel very fortunate to have found you and your cattery. As you know, after we discovered this wonderful breed of cat a few years ago, we did a lot of research on different breeders. Your kittens are truly the best and most beautiful we've seen. And their gentle, sweet and loving nature can only be attributed to the special care you give them. We will always be grateful to you both. Your friends, Caron and Jeff
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